Monday, March 2, 2015

Race Relations Light Years From Earth

Q. Even though the movie didn't mention any other people of color or this movie created so many comfits. Many believe that it insult others cultures. Even though that producer said it wasn't intentionally why did people took it to serious. I believe the producer was trying to send a message while doing this movie. I believe the best way to hide this type of messages was by creating other creatures and making us compare them with other type of people that aren't white community. Even though Avatar didn't do a good job on keeping their opinion on the low I'm glad others notice the purpose of the movie and make others open their mind and mouth. C. Many critics view the film Avatar as being yet again another “white messiah” film in which a white male is the hero of the indigenous people who are being oppressed in other words colored people. Mitu Sengupta  claims that the film is racist which i believe its true. At the beginning of the movie they send a white handsome white man to this planet named Pandora. Humans try to rule another planet that isn't theirs by been friends with the"savages" which they try to friends with them and learn more about their culture by the end taking over them. Many viewers believe this is offensive because its comparing how white people can take over without thinking of the other. Even though this movie didn't specifically mention people in color, we know that at the end they knew what they were doing.