Friday, April 17, 2015

Acting white

Q. If  someone wants to achieve a higher education and not follow the stereotype of what people believe you where born to be, is that consider hurting you're family and people. Just because you want to achieve a higher education or want to improve in life doesn't make you a traitor. It shows that you are more than what people believe you are meant to be. Everyone came to america for better lives, why should other have less opportunity than others just because of their color or because the way they look. God creates us with a brain, arms, legs,faces. The only simple difference was the color of our skin. Like they say "Don't judge a book by its cover" 

R. Racist  is just not on African Americans, but in everyone. In 2015 people don't talk about peoples  color, instead we talk about the place they come from, or what part of the city they were born or race. Not only we make fun of the place they grew up, but also about the way they talk or their education. Just because you graduate from a low class high school doesn't mean your not worth for a better education. We as people need to stop comparing each other of the way we look because at the end we are the ones hurting each other.  

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