Monday, February 16, 2015

Chapter 4

The Hollywood Sign

Q. Escaping from reality hoping that someone else understands what you’re going through helps you determine a better future. Movies always inspire us getting out of our zone letting us fantasy to another dimension. Movies are like doors, they open another world but you have to remember to close it because you have to go back to the place you came from. Many viewers believe that movies aren't the best thing because its opening a lot of peoples mind to something that isn't real and that producers are waiting there time on things that aren't helping the world.

C. I believe movies are the best things men have created. Without movies my life wouldn't be this fun it is at this moment. I enjoy fantasying about my future. For others books are the open doors to another world, but for me movies our like the rhythm of life. There's always those toughs on how they could make it better or how it would be great been them. Even though it’s just fantasy it makes you feel like you’re part of someone else’s life.

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